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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chinese aircraft owner finally appeared: Li Yan kicked Megatron Philippines sent troops to Vietnam!

July 27, Defense Ministry spokesman's remarks sparked a burst of waves, beat the dock where the "Kuznetsov" was. Day, the spokesman announced that China is now using an aircraft carrier platform used to transform, for research testing and training. This aircraft carrier is the "Kuznetsov" was.
Complete removal of the scaffolding Kuznetsov

Although the Defense Ministry spokesman has repeatedly stressed the "Kuznetsov" was out to sea trial a specific time yet, "according to the progress of the project to determine," but outside speculation for this point in time has never stopped. Sea trial date from July 1, the initial guess of the August 1 Army Day, the latest argument is to give 62 as a National Day gift.

In recent days, the aircraft carrier deck are continuously reduced, and wore dark blue uniforms, wearing a white hat who continued to increase, in uniform lined up on the deck or distributed queue situation continued to increase, these people should be served on the future aircraft carrier The sailors who, in the transformation of the carrier at the same time training for sea trials as early as possible. July 31 17 am, there are two hundred people lined up in uniform on the deck, about half an hour after the dissolution. A source close to the military authorities told reporters that he heard the news of sea trials in August, but not necessarily the day on August 1, may also be in late.

In addition to the mysterious sea trial date, China's first aircraft carrier captain is a mystery candidate. July 27 afternoon, in the face of the first Chinese carrier to determine whether the candidates questioning the captain, the Defense Ministry spokesman, said Geng Yansheng responded, "As for the future aircraft carrier captain's choice, I think, when we know."

The authorities also said that the appointment system is not a secret in the Navy, in March this year a lot of people already know, "Li Yan did the first aircraft carrier captain's first choice, this is no doubt." "Li Yan and Another six or seven in 2008, when an internal study into the Guangzhou Naval Academy, arrived in Dalian in December 2010, is now responsible for carrier related work has already begun. "The authorities introduced China's first aircraft carrier is currently vested in the direct jurisdiction of the Navy Command, action should be reported to the Central Military Commission approval levels are now at the division level, Li Xiaoyan, now rank is colonel. "Aircraft carrier battle groups which are not yet in service to the fleet, the future of the East China Sea, North Sea or the South China Sea Fleet of the three possibilities exist." The source said.

August 1987, the Central Military Commission in Guangzhou opened the first session of the Naval Academy is the only term "pilot captain course." The class started a total of 10 participants, from the North Sea, the East China Sea, South China Sea Fleet Air Force and three Navy Flight School, a fighter pilot, a bomber pilot, but also transport pilot, flight time per person varies. One of them students learn more difficult, and later had to return to the original units, and finally graduated from the nine people, including Li Xiaoyan and Bo Yaoping.

Li Xiaoyan and Bo Yaoping from the "pilot captain course" of development experience after graduation is very similar, the two served as captain of frigate, destroyer captain and other positions, has also been to Russia Kuznetsov Naval Command College.

Public information, July 1961, Li Yan was born in Changchun, in July 1979 by the Air Force cadet to enter the second air test prep school. In August 1987 in Guangzhou Naval Academy, "the pilot captain course" before, Li Yan has served as the flight squadron leader. After graduation, Li Xiaoyan, the South China Sea Fleet destroyers assigned to the second detachment, he has been "Nanning" destroyer captain, deputy trainee, "Nanchang" Vice-captain of the destroyer; during which former "Jiangmen" frigate captain, and served as "Shenzhen" destroyer ship long.
Ready to go Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

In 2000, when he was "Shenzhen" trainee ship captain Li Xiaoyan and his comrades realized the Chinese naval fleet for the first time and through the three oceans (Pacific, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean), for the first time crossing the Indian Ocean, the first visit to the African continent, the first break Cape of Good Hope off the record.

According to "China's Navy," reported in May 2007, the ninth when Ren Nanhai Fleet destroyer detachment of Li Xiaoyan, deputy chief of detachment went to Singapore to attend the second session of the Western Pacific Naval Symposium and the Fourth of multilateral maritime exercises and tactical training center online training. There were 12 countries participated in the exercise, as the Chinese Li Yan participating ship commanders.

Another familiar and Li Xiaoyan, military sources told the newspaper that in his recollection, Lee is very smart, capable, clear-headed of doing things, "the naval officer I know, there's no more appropriate than he, and the other a very suitable Baiyao Ping is currently the vice president of the Dalian Naval, is responsible for training new seedling for the future aircraft carrier fleet reserve personnel. "

Carrier is only the beginning, after which a ship can withstand wind and rain to build a powerful navy task it? Or maybe we will throw in too much hope on the ship, but after all, to go beyond it?

Bolt from the blue: Kuznetsov aircraft carrier deployment of the South China Sea overbearing!

Kuznetsov from the 27 Department of Defense broke the news to be true after the body has always been of the world's attention, Japan protested to China, and asked the Chinese military transparency, Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, the role of the purpose of their deployment needs to be reported, users questioned said Japan asked the Chinese what to do this and that?

The United States has invited so many Japanese aircraft carrier might not be what the United States? Philippines and Vietnam are also discussing joint ASEAN South China Sea naval commander, expressed dissatisfaction with the South China Sea against China at a glance, and want to snatch the sovereignty of the South China Sea, Kuznetsov current super awe, but one known why eighty-one sea trial, the end is not released? Could it not be once again under threat and trials? China before the fear of the wolf tiger scared it is no wonder, after all, many countries are now N provocation to China, the Chinese eleven deal possible, but other countries hold together weisha able to cope with China's hard to say come, after all, the power of solidarity is great.

"Kuznetsov" Alterations, in the original hull, main deck and internal structure, based on the new design, so, after the success of reconstruction in tile ship, aircraft developed by China itself only on three issues left suspense - hull design, special steel and catapults. Hull design is estimated to have solved the problem of domestic United States, Spain and other software vendors ship design software; legend Angang, Baosteel's special steel production capacity of all; not get the catapult. In this way, China can at least in the design, build aircraft carriers Ski Jump.

According to Defense Ministry spokesman said 27 statement, the Chinese aircraft carrier "Kuznetsov" will be water trials, foreign media commented constantly, Japan exaggerated this incident is very sensitive, and has repeatedly demanded that China use and attachment of a transparent carrier, recently more Japanese official Executive press statement, worried that China's aircraft carrier Kuznetsov aircraft carrier and said China should make the information more "transparent." Yukio Ueno branch has also said: "China should be included to maintain the carrier's specific purpose and future construction plans, including all sorts of information be made public, expects China to further enhance its military transparency." Japan actually lies out of this absurd language, can be described as is a deliberate, sinister. China's strong stimulus can be described as the largest in Japan, which are all afraid of our naval power, but some fear that the Chinese carrier to deploy the Diaoyu Islands only.
Ready to go Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

Suspect aircraft equipment

Recently, foreign media coverage of the carrier in Dalian, "Kuznetsov", French for late reporters has combed the reports found, although it stopped in Dalian, but still dressed - layer of mystery, a lot of details not known.

To this end, according to the United States and British aircraft carrier case, our guess our carrier-based aircraft carrier battle groups and the preparation. After our first service in the main fighter-type aircraft carrier, is likely to be a domestic aircraft, although the Chinese military has not officially announced the names of the fighters, but said that the civil aircraft as "F-15."

Although the carrier can throw a lot of air power, but the mother ship itself, weak defense, so the need for other ships, including surface and underwater vessels to provide protection. So with a battle group will have a guided missile destroyers, frigates, submarines and supply ships, etc.

Aircraft carrier named

"Tianjin", or as my carrier name

"Kuznetsov," the new name of the suspect enough into the top ten this year, "Mao Zedong", "Deng Xiaoping", "Sun", "Shi Lang" "Beijing" have become the most sought-name online.

But in the end who gets so far is a mystery. According to the newspaper of the "naval vessels named Bill," the analysis, and naval experts in public some of the position, the newspaper speculation that more than one name can be ruled out, and "Tianjin" foreign ship may become a ship's name.

Experts speculate that municipalities' children face big "

Li Jie are a few military experts speculated that: "According to the tradition of the past, the Navy, ships named after the mountains more, but the larger well-known people have been called off, and I could not estimate Mountain Assembly; another one is rivers named, 'the Yangtze River Road' seems to lack courage. front also said called 'Mao Zedong', 'Sun Yat-sen Road', this is not entirely impossible, but the possibility is not too large. "

In addition to these types, Li Jie, also revealed a possibility: "It might be named with the name of municipalities, this is a choice, but have not set."

In the Li Jie's proposal, this reporter found that four municipalities, Tianjin and is closely related to modern Chinese navy. Qing Dynasty established the Northern Navy of China established in the late Qing Dynasty, the first naval fleet modernization, and Tianjin, a northern naval base into a major military when their main ship, "given away", "Chen-yuan," "Jackie far" are sea ​​in the Taku received.

Naming is also subject to "provision"

Public information, our Navy in November 18, 1978 release, "Navy named Bill," provided in the regulations of the various organs of the ship's name, naming rules and regulations.

July 10, 1986, China's Navy, "Naval ships named Bill" has to be supplemented modified to require ships and foreign ships and ship their own name and to distinguish both of rational, easy to remember, clear pronunciation, names, loud with dignity and many other requirements.

Specific provisions in the show named: destroyers, frigates are named after large and medium-sized cities, destroyer may be more familiar, such as the Gulf of Aden to escort the two perform the task of "Wuhan" ship and "Zhoushan" ship and so on.

To avoid duplicate phenomenon ship name, ship name naming China Sea region is divided; the North Sea, South China Sea, the East China Sea Fleet ships three names to place names within their respective areas.

Chinese navy ships do not always name names, but there are exceptions to two ships that belong to the Dalian Naval Academy, and Zheng number Shichang training ship. Which number 81 Zheng, Ocean sailing training ship, to commemorate the great Chinese navigator Zheng He is named, numbered 82 of Sai comprehensive training ship, Ocean, it is to commemorate the Sino-Japanese naval battle in the heroic sacrifice Deng Shichang named a national hero.

Previously, when a reporter at the press conference that the Taiwan Affairs Office of Taiwan correspondent of the "Kuznetsov" was named to the concerns, "Shi Lang" immediately erased from the named possibilities.

"Shi Lang" is a famous Qing Dynasty, 1681 to recover Taiwan. Therefore, the Taiwan side to make this read too much, and I believe will take this into account relevant aspects.

The 1980s, "Kuznetsov" was Nicholas in Ukraine by the Soviet military Aliyev Black Sea shipyard. December 25, 1991, announced the dissolution of the Soviet Union, has completed construction of 68%, Ukraine unable to build, decided to auction. In 1998, a company in Macau for $ 20 million bought the "Kuznetsov" was. In July 1999, the tug of traction, "Kuznetsov" was leaving the Black Sea Shipyard, slowly embarked on a long voyage to China.

In the meantime, many times by the then Turkish government to block, allow, "Kuznetsov" through the Bosporus Strait, the Chinese government's efforts to negotiate more than a year after, was able to pass. After reaching the Aegean Sea, are also affected by the unprecedented turmoil in international waters. After the escape, through the Strait of Gibraltar, the Atlantic Ocean, around Africa's Cape of Good Hope, through the Straits of Malacca. After four years of twists and turns, and finally on March 3, 2002 arrived in Dalian, China, Hong Kong.

At this point the "Kuznetsov" was just a rusting steel shell: all weapons, electronic systems have been dismantled or destroyed. Full of people's minds, "Kuznetsov" resurrection of the expectations, but watched it on the pier wind and rain. The other is 3 years. April 26, 2005 morning, "Kuznetsov" in a large number of tugs escorted by being slowly dragged into the Dalian shipyard not far from the first workshop in 2003 completed the 30-ton dock, started exciting large conversion process.

Since 1988, the water now, "Kuznetsov" has gone through 22 years of ups and downs, its twists and turns through the decades China has become a true portrayal of the carrier seeking.

The data can be seen from the Soviet Union, "Kuznetsov" was a large conventional-powered aircraft carrier. Shape majestic, a typical Soviet-style ships. It to 4 with 4 sets of steam turbine-powered steam boiler, 4 double rudder propeller shaft 4 advance. Use Ski Jump off the bow deck, with four ships landed in central block emergency stop cord and a block. Island-style building located on the bridge deck on the right flight, before and after each one deck / hangar lift.

On the current situation, "Kuznetsov" has with the best qualifications. In fact, China bought from Ukraine, "Kuznetsov" aircraft carrier, it is a heavy armor with a large hull, neither engine nor electrical facilities or propulsion. Ultimately, the Chinese have suffered badly from the Black Sea coast of this large-scale hull drag the Dalian Port, the fully renovated conversion. Although highly controversial from the beginning of the purchase, but behind this so-called transformation of time and effort is reflected in the development of China's aircraft carrier in the Navy sought to "good and steady" way of thinking. Through the modification, we still can not afford to build a large surface ships in the case, you can gain experience, test, training, can also promote industrial capacity, technology. Therefore, many countries in the development of aircraft carriers have gone through such a path starting from the modification, which is based on the decision of China's national conditions.

China's "Kuznetsov"

Use of waste as a carrier platform for transformation of scientific research and training of aircraft carrier, "Kuznetsov" was equipped on the advanced technology, attract a lot of attention.

National Defense University professor Zhang Zhaozhong introduction, an aircraft carrier looks like a ship, but in fact need to tens of thousands of scientific research, technical cooperation department and plant, which China is a huge challenge. China's use of Ukrainian scrap the aircraft carrier converted aircraft carrier, one of the aims is modified, to find out the carrier's technical approach, to see whether and realize some of the aircraft carrier design and construction techniques, and then apply these techniques to the design of possible future aircraft carrier and construction.

Experts said that the self-built aircraft carrier, the platform is not difficult, but the carrier of steel and other materials are very demanding. Such as the shell plate, in the water under great pressure, and if the steel deck shall be made of large pieces of high strength steel welding, but also can withstand temperatures up to thousands of degrees Celsius, such as jets of flame, requiring even higher . At present, China can not produce their own cable on the deck of the block (to help slow landing aircraft) used by the steel block to ask for strength to withstand hundreds of tons, need to have a certain degree of flexibility and rigidity, strength, hardness, this steel is currently only imported.

In addition, the modern aircraft carrier is a high-tech in a sea of ​​"giant", requires a lot of new knowledge, new technologies, new materials, which depends on the country to support. Transformation of China's first aircraft carrier as to the construction of the "Kuznetsov" was, it needs a variety of technical capacity is very high. Among them, the aircraft carrier technology and adaptation of technology, vessels and planes are crucial. Mechanization in China is still in the process of transition to information technology, a lot of work need to start from scratch, but through hard work, many issues have been cracked, a number of mature advanced technologies applied. To build an aircraft carrier to adapt to modern times, we have a long way to go.

National Defense University military expert, at present, "Kuznetsov" was that with conventional systems such as radar systems, air defense systems, such systems have been set out basic equipment, as carrier-based aircraft, it should be is -15 F and Su-33. "Kuznetsov" was as an experimental, transitional aircraft carrier by conventional propulsion, no catapult take-off device, so the fighting will not be transformed too. In addition, the "Kuznetsov" was hull over 20 years, as a training ship will still use a non-combatant ships, will not be used in combat.

Military commentators believe that the battle group configuration depends on their specific mission, to determine the frigates, destroyers of the number, and whether equipped with landing craft and so on. From the current situation, China's aircraft carrier research and development, in order to increase national security and the ability to maintain peace, based on improving defense capabilities. According to existing statistics, China by the "Kuznetsov" was the transformation of the aircraft carrier, the maximum speed of not less than 26 (about 48 km / h), the number of carrier-based aircraft carrying about 20, about 10 or so helicopters should include two cards -31 early warning helicopters.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

blind wondering carrier is asking for chinese military modernization

China-made aircraft carrier is "what for"? Anyway,chinese military modernization. certainly not pulling cotton or wheat shipped with the first aircraft carrier as a "research and training platform," and certainly not with the athletes training glider.Equipment on the aircraft are combat aircraft, it can open to attack and bomb away. These are obvious, it needs the Chinese Defense Ministry, "transparent" it? Beijing's military to avoid that these students can speak the truth, China's maintenance of peace in East Asia as an expression of faith.

Japan evidently want to know what the Chinese military's specific use for the Japanese aircraft carrier program.
First, they are too anxious. chinese military modernization,Chinese carriers have not yet officially launched, the more necessary to combat the formation of a real time, it is carefully designed, how the Chinese strategic deterrent to the aircraft carrier as a tool when it? Second, even to the careful study of how to use the Chinese aircraft carrier, the Chinese have an obligation to aircraft carrier cruising the roadmap and timetable are played back at any time, to the Japanese Ministry of Defense one?

Japan often ask the Chinese Navy's "strategic intent" is what they have repeatedly asked China Fleet "why" to get out of the first island chain, now brings a knot and asked the Chinese aircraft carrier to be used to "do something."
They think of China in accordance with a well-knit "conspiracy" action,chinese military modernization every step of China's one of a series of precise steps.About when the Japanese militarism really is so dry, but China is not.

Whether the Chinese navy out of the first island chain, or the construction of aircraft carriers today, China is not deliberately committed, they are the natural growth of China's overall action.
The world's major powers have aircraft carriers, and some medium-sized countries have, to today's Chinese-made aircraft carrier if you do not, probably Chinese-made aircraft carrier than it should be more attracted strange.Similarly, China's fleet to Blue Ocean, lying on the sea than it is always more around the world and China's international trade, but also in tune with today's globalization.

Chinese aircraft carrier is clearly not used to dealing with a specific country, that country is neither Japan nor the United States, nor the South China Sea states, and because the Chinese do not like any of the collision of a country strategy to do the will of China's peaceful development aspirations are sincere. On the other hand, who tried to take the initiative to use military pressure to force China, China's military resources will be mobilized to counter them, if necessary, the aircraft carrier will join, then it is necessary that China's other strategic tools to be added.

Chinese do need to respond appropriately to the requirements of the outside world, increasing China's military transparency.
However, individual countries should not have been relieving people, their own set of habits and experiences in China, forced head,chinese military modernization forcing China to disclose the so-called plan does not exist. They should carefully study the implications of China's peaceful rise, China is not attacking the country, military means always the case by the Chinese people should be used as a last resort, rather than Western theories often think of peace and war, which means the highest price on Which.

China Kuznetsov service is not self-confident China

Although the "Kuznetsov" was in almost all performance are at a disadvantage, chinese military modernization. but if the "Kuznetsov" aircraft carrier number, and the future of China as a strategic rather than tactical strength, we would be in the development of China's participation in regional affairs and global interests play a huge role.
Korean media said, in fact, the first time since 1998, China ordered the Soviet Union, "Kiev" class aircraft carrier "Minsk" was started, it indicates that China has chosen a Soviet aircraft carrier development.  But this road is not good for China to go. chinese military modernization.The reason is that the Soviet Union itself does not have the complete aircraft carrier construction and experience. Therefore, China's aircraft carrier from Russia technology available to actually extremely limited. But as a carrier in China, only "primary level", the United States aircraft carrier "university level" some really far away, to Russia's "middle level" seems to be more easy to learn, but also more realistic.
In other words, "Kuznetsov" was and is often the first deployment of U.S. aircraft carriers in Asia, "George Washington" compared to its performance will be fully at a disadvantage.
Data for: official publication of the Kuznetsov aircraft carrier.
Measure the strength of an aircraft carrier battle force there are many indicators, the most intuitive for the number of aircraft carrier, carrier-based aircraft performance, carrier-based aircraft carrier take-off frequency and endurance time. "Kuznetsov" was conventionally powered aircraft carrier, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in relation to the life there is inherent disadvantages. Its full load displacement of 65,000 tons, as opposed to "Washington" less than 35,000 tons. Therefore, it determines the number of its carrier-based aircraft also will be at a great disadvantage. Development in China's aircraft carrier, even if their performance on carrier-based aircraft carrier opportunities than the United States have individual advantages, but relative to the U.S. carrier-based squadrons decades of combat experience,chinese military modernization. the Chinese aircraft carrier in the performance of difficult and the U.S.. In addition, outside the United States, few countries have the design and manufacture of steam catapults experience.Therefore, China is likely to continue to apply in the future aircraft carrier, "Kuznetsov" was flying leaps on the sliding mode, this way as opposed to catapult takeoff take off, there are many disadvantages, such as the direct take-off aircraft carrier frequency limit.
Korean media said, although "Kuznetsov" was the technology gap relative to the large U.S. carriers, but it is still in the development of China's participation in regional affairs and global interests play a huge role. As we all know, the U.S. military, although the world's most powerful military force, but always follows the "unless the position of absolute dominance, chinese military modernization.
or will not be a decisive battle," the Western classic theory of war. In American eyes, what is "absolute advantage" mean? To the Gulf War, for example, to deal with Iraq, gathered a total of six U.S. Navy aircraft carrier battle groups, but the naval forces in Iraq and the Persian Gulf was completely eliminated all of mine before the end of the task, they have not allowed to enter the pre-war area. Imagine if the United States to block China's 18,000 km-long coastline is far stronger than Iraq and the strength of the Chinese navy, the number of U.S. Navy aircraft carrier battle groups need to use?  Even if China has an aircraft carrier and then it?
In addition, the "Kuznetsov" was initially made, and China will increase the carrier's service areas of foreign operations in the United States is not self-confidence. Perhaps this is weird, but look at the history of U.S. foreign operations, will find that the American character, which is not self-confidence is very serious.If you read the past two world wars of U.S. soldiers entering the letters from home, they would find that today are considered "invincible fighter" of U.S. soldiers in the face of war and death really is and not how the fragile self-confidence. If you really go to war with China, how many Americans dare to join this view are not in their own chance of winning the war?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chinese aircraft carrier "Weiliaoqing" visit to the former political commissar of the Academy of Military Science Lieutenant Zhang Xusan

Zhang Xusan said, looking around the United Nations, United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and the five permanent members, only China has no aircraft carriers.Moreover,chinese military modernization. these four countries have aircraft carriers, are all struggling to maintain and strengthen their own "aircraft carrier great power" status.The United States has 11 active aircraft carriers, accounting for more than half of total global carrier; Russia trying to keep a full load displacement of 67,500 tons of large aircraft carriers; UK plans to build two "Queen Elizabeth" class next-generation aircraft carrier; full load displacement of 40,000 tons of "Charles de Gaulle" medium-sized nuclear-powered carrier is still rule the roost of the French air and sea.In addition, some small countries are also flocking to have purchased or self-built various aircraft carriers.One of the most worth mentioning is our neighboring India, Japan and South Korea.India has always unswervingly implement the "three-carrier strategy": In addition to purchase and adaptation of two aircraft carrier, is working on self-built "Vikrant" aircraft carrier.Japan "at the" level, DDH21 "helicopter destroyers" and South Korea's "Dokdo" are equipped with "quasi-carrier" function. chinese military modernization.

Have aircraft carriers is the dream of several generations of Chinese people

Order three, said Zhang, the Chinese people actually have time to dream of the aircraft carrier and not too late.As early as the end of 1928, when he was the Director Shao-Kuan Chen Nationalist Navy reported the National Government in its submission, it was first proposed to build an aircraft carrier.This is from when the British built the world's first formula one has a full flight deck of the "sports gods" aircraft carrier, only about 10 years.

After the founding of new China, the first generation leaders Mao Zedong's ingenious in its unique, made with great foresight: "must be vigorously shipbuilding industry, a large number of shipbuilding, construction, maritime 'railroad' for the next few years, building a strong fighting force at sea. "Premier Zhou Enlai's mind there are lingering carrier complex.chinese military modernization.October 25, 1973, Premier Zhou Enlai met with foreign guests with emotion, said: "We Nansha Sea occupied by South Vietnam, no aircraft carriers, we can not allow the Chinese Navy and then strive and work hard bayonets, I engaged in a lifetime of military, political, and has not see China's aircraft carrier. can not see the aircraft carrier, I was not willing to, ah! "

Over the years, successive leaders of China's navy aircraft carrier development concerns me.Commander Ren Haijun Xiao Jinguang first general has written that the Chinese navy aircraft carrier needs: a fleet activities in the sea, no carrier would be no air, no air supremacy is no sea battle and ensure victory.Served as a naval commander Liu Huaqing, former Vice Chairman Central Military Commission has been mindful of the aircraft carrier, has repeatedly stressed: "The Navy has an aircraft carrier, the Navy's quality will be a major change, the Navy's combat capability will have a greater improve, help improve the military might, and national prestige. "

Zhang Xusan that the older generation of national and military leadership of the earnest feelings, the majority of people eagerly look forward to, Although now spans half a century, but the dream is always the section of the aircraft carrier "Weiliaoqing"; "China's aircraft carrier" words still linger in the hearts of Chinese people, as lingering, growing the Sound of the Times!

the Chinese to meet the first ray of sunshine chinese military modernization.

July 20, 3:00 out of the sun on the horizon, a red shop in the wilderness. As the eastern part of mainland China pole, chinese military modernization.Heixiazi Island to China to meet the first ray of sunshine ahead of time of 58 seconds.Early in the morning, black blind island immersed in the mist among the floating plants looming, and occasionally see birds passing from the woods.

Fuyuan Heixiazi Island, also known as Delta, blind Bear Island, located in Heilongjiang and the Ussuri River Interchange, from the Silver Dragon Island, Island and Moon Island Heixiazi three islands and shoals system composed of 93 islands, an area of ​​about 327 square kilometers , equivalent to one-third of Hong Kong, Macau, chinese military modernization.size 12, the famous Treasure Island 500 times.According to the 2004 China and Russia signed the "Sino-Russian border the eastern section of the Supplementary Agreement," China's resumption of the Silver Dragon and the island's sovereignty over half of Heixiazi Island, about 171 square kilometers.

The sun rises, the fog gradually dispersed, Heixiazi Island is also slowly unveiled.

Center of the island is flat, covered by sparse vegetation.In addition to Mimicengceng spread of the trees,chinese military modernization. the island has a piece of meadow, marsh and ponds, braided river aspect, plants rich.Summarized as part of a handful of plants to grow, intertwined roots, up to 30 cm, may be caused by several decades or even centuries from the cumulative growth, the first tower to be known as Carex, the common name the tower head cushions, black and blind on the island is relatively unique wetland landscape. According to statistics, the island's main growth of willow, elm, poplar, oak trees and 900 kinds of grass and other wetland plants.

South of the island, there is a Russian chapel spire, is seen on the island's most striking buildings.In 1999, Russia only a month quickly built this Orthodox Church.Local fishermen had seen the golden dome of the helicopter will be delivered to the church here.Russia to build the church is usually the way to proclaim sovereignty over the territory.

The north side of the church, a red and green and white landmark clearly stands, this is the dividing line between China and Russia.Landmark next to a Chinese warning signs that read: cross-border illegal bell. chinese military modernization.

There is a church built near the old barracks in 1979, 2008, Black returned to Russia after the region west of the island to remain blind in China.Now, the barracks is not hanging on the flagpole tricolor, but the flag.

In the Sino-Russian border buffer zone, the PLA border defense group posts and barracks have been constructed shape.

Through the estuary in Fuyuan County, next to the beach, erected a boundary marker that reads, "260 (1), 1993," in which people are accustomed to call "0 monumentIn black blind island before the reunification, this is a piece of China's most eastern boundary marker.In July 2007, the new boundary marker set.Heixiazi Island north of the boundary marker No. 259, is the transfer of territory between the two countries in 2008 memorial, monument books: "China's 259 / 4 (1) 2007."

With the return of Heixiazi Island, on its protection and development is also underway.According to reports, the development of Heixiazi Island will highlight "an island of two countries' geopolitical characteristics, the main function is defined as ecological protection, tourism, recreation, trade flows and port channels.

Currently, the planned wetland park on July 20 welcomed the first official landing of tourists.19 evening, the workers are still busy building the trestle Wetland Park.A person familiar with the local media, said: "There have to complete a today, tomorrow, visitors will look at the.

Chinese coastline provocation chinese military modernization.

Taiwan media reported on April 25, in late June, the mainland fighters had crossed the "Strait center line," driving in the southeast coastal waters of the U.S. U-2S reconnaissance aircraft.According to Reuters July 26 news, chinese military modernization.the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the meeting to respond to the main day, will not stop the Chinese mainland in the vicinity of the investigation.

Mullen said: "We will not stop flying in international airspace, the Chinese mainland hopes we left there. In my view, we will not do that these flights is an important investigative activities." However, Mullen also pointed out that China and the U.S. should avoid a 2001 military aircraft collision incident.chinese military modernization.

With Houma Lun's spokesman told the media that Mullen reported on the Chinese mainland warplanes flew over the outside world, "Strait center line," the report is not very clear, he said just above generalities, that the United States in international airspace in the region conduct investigative activities. chinese military modernization.

Earlier, on July 11, PLA Chief of General Staff Chen Bingde in Beijing with visiting U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Lord held a joint press conference.General Chen said in response to a reporter's question, the recent U.S. military reconnaissance unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in China's coastal waters from the China coast recently when only 16 nautical miles, we know that the division of territorial boundaries is 12 sea miles from the coastline, the U.S. military reconnaissance plane of the detection range has been at or near the Chinese coast 16 sea miles, it has been very close to close.Chief Chen said, speaking on the U.S. military is not necessary to conduct such investigation in China, hoping the U.S. from considering the overall situation of Sino-US military relations, considering the overall situation of bilateral relations, including taking into account the feelings of the Chinese people, reduce and stop such surveillance activities.

Mullen insisted the United States and the detection of flight operations, and exercises are all in accordance with international norms.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lightning storm in China in the successful launch of the ninth Compass Navigation Satellite

China's Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the "Long March III A" carrier rocket, the ninth Beidou navigation satellite into orbit successfully scheduled transfer orbit, which is China's Compass navigation system networking fourth inclined geosynchronous orbit satellites. chinese military modernization.

The same morning, around the Xichang Satellite Launch Center launch site thunder and lightning, heavy rain, such as injection, the gap in the lightning twice, "Long March III A" fire fly, like a dragon in a lightning storm in piercing the sky. chinese military modernization.
Ninth Beidou navigation satellite was successfully launched, marking the Chinese Compass satellite navigation system construction area has taken a solid step forward.Experts say that at present, China's Compass navigation system, the basic regional satellite system has been completed, are speeding up the satellite to carry out testing and evaluation work together to reconcile, after the initial test system is running well before the end of this year in most parts of China and the surrounding initial offer continuous passive positioning, navigation and timing as well as short-message communication services to meet the transportation, fishery, forestry, meteorology, telecommunications, water, surveying and mapping industry and public users of the application requirements. chinese military modernization.

Compass satellite navigation system in accordance with "three-step" development strategy, the end of 2012, China will be launched multiple satellites navigation satellite network, and continuously improve performance of system services, expand coverage, complete the Compass regional satellite navigation system construction.2020, will build 30 satellites by the Compass global satellite navigation system, provides global coverage of high-precision, highly reliable positioning, navigation and timing services

China's first aircraft carrier, or into the water soon

China bought from Ukraine, "Kuznetsov" aircraft carrier, it is a heavy armor with a large hull, neither engine nor electrical facilities or propulsion.Ultimately, the Chinese have suffered badly from the Black Sea coast of this large-scale hull drag the Dalian Port,chinese military modernization. the fully renovated conversion.

"Kuznetsov" was after the arrival in Dalian, a few enthusiastic fans by climbing walls and other military means to take the "Kuznetsov" number of photographs, a handful of fans even managed to enter the military park and photograph.At this point the "Kuznetsov" was just a rusting steel shell: All electronic systems have been dismantled or destroyed, no power, even the shaft are cut off, the rudder removed. chinese military modernization.

Today, according to foreign media speculation: "China has one hundred percent complete 'Kuznetsov" aircraft carrier's internal repair and renovation renovation renovation project ...chinese military modernization. ... including boilers, electrical facilities, electrical systems, engine, navigation system, and all crew habitation module and working spaces and so on. "According to enthusiastic users observed," Kuznetsov "aircraft carrier's hull and deck have also been renovated transformation.

Chinese naval fleet escort the ninth emotional attention from the ideological concerns of officers and men

Chinese Navy fleet at sea ninth escort in studying and implementing the temporary party General Secretary Hu "July" important speech, thoughts and feelings on the concerned officers and men from practicing people-oriented concept as an important content stand out, creating a "share the same joy, sadness Total play "a thick atmosphere.

The Chinese Navy fleet and eighth ninth escort security escort fleet has successfully completed two groups of 15 common foreign ship escort mission.July 26, 10 Chinese and foreign naval ships in the ninth Fleet escort escort, began north of the island from Kete La waters to waters near the Strait of Bab el-sea-crossing.This is the second at 17:00 on the 25th and eighth points escort aircraft fleet, the Chinese naval fleet for the first time ninth escort escort mission independently.

"Implementation of the escort mission for a long time and heavy task, responsibility, men away from the motherland and their loved ones, facing the 'emotions' and 'joys and sorrows' test of more concern from the officers and men to promote thoughts and feelings on life is very important." Formation, political commissar of Du told reporters that the Indian, in the study and implementation of General Secretary Hu Jintao, "July" important speech, the party committee in-depth study temporarily at sea, "every Party member should make the hearts of the people on the highest position" was an important discussion, party members and cadres should always filled with hearts men, thinking soldiers, firmly establish the people-oriented, warm heart benefit soldiers and officers and men-first philosophy.Only the officers and men led the mind, as a family, the officers and men to believe the organization, relying on the organization, will do the work duties.As part of the escort ship for the formation of cadres from different organs, different units of reality, they have a harmonious relationship between officers and men, create a harmonious atmosphere as an effective guarantee to complete the escort mission, adhere to ask policy on the soldiers, asked to be on the soldiers, Asking for soldiers, widely carried out, "military intelligence to know, understand soldiers worry, warm heart soldiers' activities, and make sure the voice of honest men to listen, reflect the true wishes of the officers and men, the officers and men concerned about the plight of the truth.

Reporters saw the fleet command center, escorted by officers to update a personal and family circumstances of the survey, a detailed record of each of the officers and men of the relevant information.According to the formation of political head of Tang Zhongping, this is their escort officers and men to grasp the dynamic, targeted the fundamental basis for improving education and guidanceSince the sail since the formation of leaders at all levels with the use of child soldiers with the bags, birthday and other collective opportunity, and the officers and men engaged in small talk, then life, thoughts, and feelings to grasp the dynamic changes in the effective promotion of cadres and fighters, leaders and subordinates, communication and understanding between .

Emotional communication, work accessible.Unity, friendship and a strong atmosphere of harmony, which greatly stimulated the soldiers fighting the wind and waves of confidence and courage.Rough seas during the formation through the Malacca Strait, the big waves hit seven consecutive days harassing, shaking vessels up to 15 degrees, some officers and men of severe nausea, vomiting and malaiseCommander of the formation control requirements of the founding leaders at all levels will focus down, pay close attention to medical, health, food security at the same time, every day deep compartment, officers and soldiers in combat position, and being, to launch a wide range of ideas, not only to ensure the formation of destination safe and smooth, but also completed according to plan the actual use of weapons, commandos landing downhill, helicopter patrol, sea rescue and other drills, to effectively improve the quality of the implementation capacity of escort missions.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Chinese businessmen bid for "Ark Royal" does not sell the British possession of Murder

China has two retired businessmen bid for the British aircraft carrier "Ark Royal" was, allegedly, the British have refused to sell incomplete Chinese businessmen, the ship was eventually decommissioned aircraft carrier Turkish businessmen to obtain, there are expert analysis Britain's reluctance to sell to China because of fear of Chinese military obtained for anatomical study , China's second ship Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, then the entire area occupied by the Chinese aircraft carrier ships, more difficult to contain ChinaHuang Guangyu, China and the bid failed businessman Lin Jianbang very disappointed.

Ark Royal aircraft carrier new design, creating a new era of modern aircraft.Royal Navy aircraft carrier fleet in the past are modified by other warships from the Royal Ark is the first one designed and built fleet aircraft carrier.It is outstanding in the beginning of World War II, most notably in the hunt No. F-Pi Bismarck destroyed the rudder in the battle for the final sank it Tove fleet has achieved a lot.

British Royal Navy aircraft carrier Ark Royal is a new design before World War II aircraft carrier, creating a new era of modern aircraft carrier.During World War II to participate in the most famous battle in the campaign to surround and annihilate the battleship Bismarck in the wreck of its rudder, the British navy sank the last ship to win the first move.

Chinese fishing boat sinking has not been rescued 33 crew

a Chinese fishing boat in distress , "25 as a flurry of news in Japan.According to Kyodo News reported on the 25th, the day of 8:20, the first three Japanese Coast Guard District headquarters received from the Chinese salvage department sources said a boat carrying 33 people of Chinese fishing boat "may be sinking," the request on search and rescue parties.14:45, Paul in Japan, South Bird Island in the Sea of ​​Japan (Ogasawara Village, Tokyo) discovered 330 km north of the Chinese fishing boats.Japan said a Chinese fishing boat cabin water due to engine failure, can not own the road, but there is no risk of sinking.No. 3 Zone has sent helicopters to the scene to rescue,25 evening newspaper writing, fishing boat rescued 33 crew yet.

"Daily News" reported that China started to call a Chinese fishing vessel in distress, "the waters 500 km east of Okinawa.District No. 3 received the report, under the jurisdiction of the area's first Japanese first five district sent a search and rescue aircraft, but did not find a Chinese fishing boatAfter the correction that a Chinese fishing boat in China, "Ogasawara Islands south 330 km north of Bird Island waters", the first three areas of search and rescue aircraft, then found a Chinese fishing boat."Sankei Shimbun" said the ship fishing boat in distress as an aquaculture company belongs to China, "Lu Rong fishing 2682" was a displacement of 233 tons, to the area in squid fishing.Operating room because of engine failure resulting in water and can not own the road.Japan's NHK reported that, because of the relatively calm waters of the accident, the Chinese fishing boats sank without danger.Japanese aircraft found, wearing a life jacket on deck the crew for help.If the Chinese fishing boats request the Japanese side will be towing.Allegedly, the first three Japanese patrol boats Area 26 is expected to arrive the afternoon.

Japan had also been in distress rescue the Chinese crew.September 30, 2010, by the Panama-registered cargo ship bound for Shanghai, China, "Dragon River" in the waters east of mainland Japan, a Chinese crew members on board sudden illness, was made to protect the Sea of ​​Japan sent rescue requests,Japan has dispatched patrol boats and Coast Guard helicopters and airships deployed to rescue the patients were admitted to hospital in Japan. Chinese Embassy in Japan, the Japanese side expressed appreciation of the humanitarian rescue,This was seen as a "collision Diaoyu Islands," Sino-Japanese relations after the incident, a pick up signs.

China Win -9 flight in Xi'an

Shaanxi Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. of transport -9 transport aircraft flight test in the Chinese Academy of airports, which shows that the model is test process. The aircraft is the long-awaited transport -8 alternative medium-sized transport aircraft, but also Soviet-era Antonov Design Bureau An-12 transport aircraft developed by the latest reformed.

Yun-8X transport aircraft conceptual design in 2002 Zhuhai Air Show debut, this 30-ton load is transported -9 transport medium transport aircraft, the predecessor. In that air show, a staff member told the reporter, Yun-8X is intended and Lockheed - Martin C-130J competition.

2005 Beijing air show, the op-8X concept design evolved into the concept of transport operation -9: 20-ton truck, powered by four 5100 horsepower WJ-6C turboprop engines. A brochure that transport -9 range transport aircraft reached 42 kilometers, to transport 98 soldiers, the largest single investment weight of 8.2 tons. Allegedly, the People's Liberation Army mechanized airborne airborne use of ZBD-03 infantry fighting vehicle weight is 8.2 tons.

Shaanxi Aircraft Group to transport aircraft for the transport -9 developed a number of technical improvements applied to the 2005-2006 series appear on the radar early warning aircraft, the modified machine.

In 2005, Wukelanan Antonov Design Bureau, told correspondents, who was hired as the Shaanxi Aircraft Industry Group and Xi'an Aircraft Company is developing a transport aircraft design consultant. New wing design and manufacture of new composite fuselage need Antonov Design Bureau of technology. These two features are used in a modified early warning aircraft, rather there is a new type of transport operation -9 rear-mounted pedals.

China plans to invest heavily in overseas iron ore mining to break the monopoly of the Big Three

China Economic Net News, July 25 Beijing (Lin is rendering) China Steel Industry Association Deputy Secretary-General-Lee recently accepted "ChinaDaily" interview revealed that as the world's largest steel producer and iron ore demand, and China has developed A large-scale investment overseas iron ore development project in order to reduce dependence on the big three iron ore.He said the project will be five-second period (2011-2015) implemented.

It is understood that, in 2010 from Brazil, China, Australia and India's imports of iron ore in the proportion of total demand up to 62.3%, China's steel production is still heavily dependent on imported iron ore.

-Lee said that China's implementation of the program's main purpose is to break the big three global iron ore market monopoly. He said China's goal is to fight for imported iron ore in the proportion of total demand fell to 50%.To achieve this goal, China will increase efforts to develop iron ore resources overseas, the state plans to invest heavily in overseas iron ore assets or the acquisition of shares of some large iron ore investment development projects.

Currently Brazil's CVRD, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto Group, the monopoly three companies represented 75 percent of global iron ore market.

Lee said: "At present, China imports iron ore project from Chinese ownership share of less than 10%." He said: "We hope the next 5-10 years, this figure can increase to 50%."

China Iron and Steel Association Vice Chairman Luo party earlier this year revealed that China's iron ore development projects owned by overseas production capacity has reached 150 million tons, but most projects have not yet put into production.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

China's marine rights added a new main cruise ship

ccording to reports, China is the sea ocean surveillance ship monitoring the flagship 50 "83 Boat" sister ship, the endurance capacity of more than 8000 nautical miles, holding force 60 days, the wind force is greater than 12, with a ship-borne helicopters, satellite power control bit, satellite communication and navigation functions, but also equipped with advanced marine cruise, investigation, evidence collection equipment, will safeguard China's maritime rights and interests, protect the marine resources and environment, development and utilization of marine science and make a positive contribution.

July 23 Shanghai newspaper (Reporter Yu Jianbin) July 23, in the waters under the jurisdiction of China's enforcement system regularly cruise Rights fifth anniversary of the implementation, set the cruise and maritime law enforcement investigation into one 3,000-ton ocean surveillance ship - China 50 ocean surveillance ship (see Figure, Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Feishe) in the East China Sea Branch of State Oceanic Administration official entry list, the ship of China's current overall capacity of the strongest, most advanced equipment and facilities in the remote marine monitoring large-scale multi-vessel into the column use, will enhance China's maritime surveillance capabilities of law enforcement, especially improvements in the waters under the jurisdiction of the East China Sea cruise rights enforcement capacity.

China 2025 will be built 2-3 fast reactor power plant

China news agency, Beijing, July 23 (Reporter Sun Zifa) - President of China Institute of Atomic Energy, fast reactor technology industry, innovation and strategic alliances made 23 Wan Gang, chairman of China's fast reactor technology and industrial development and long-term goal is to 2-3 Block 2025 into fast reactor power plant, a commercial-scale fast reactor MOX (mixed plutonium uranium oxide) fuel fabrication plant, a commercial-scale pressurized water reactor spent fuel reprocessing plant, the initial formation of closed industrial scale fuel system to achieve demonstration application to carry out fast reactor, fuel cycle technology, industrial-scale verification.

China Cooperative Association's "fast reactor research cooperation of independent innovation briefing" held in Beijing in the afternoon, Wan Gang, China Experimental Fast Reactor introduce ideas and research revealed that the above information. Just two days ago, China's first fast breeder reactor (FBR) - China Experimental Fast Reactor successful grid.Just grid of China Experimental Fast Reactor is the first step in the development of Chinese fast reactor.Wan Gang said that after the completion of fast reactor research and development mainly in fast reactor fuel cycle technology development, development of two commercial fast reactor power plant, the immediate goal is to 2015, built by the Chinese experimental fast reactor, fast reactor MOX fuel pellets experimental line , PWR spent fuel reprocessing pilot plant composed of fuel-cycle system development platform, pressurized water reactor spent fuel to separate plutonium make MOX fuel for industrial and experimental fast reactors in the application, verify the closed fuel cycle technologies and processes.Fourth-generation nuclear power reactors as the main type fast reactor of the future direction of development of advanced nuclear energy systems.Fast reactor is higher than the thermal neutron energy neutron-induced nuclear fission reactors, nuclear proliferation can be achieved, but also long-lived radioactive waste transmutation can fall. Match with the development of fast reactors PWR, can take advantage of uranium resources, nuclear waste minimization, in order to ensure the sustainable development of nuclear energy.

State Department counselor, executive vice president of China Association for Promoting Cooperative, said stone ring set for the formation of China's independent intellectual property brand of commercial fast reactor power station, in November 2010 led by China Institute of Atomic Energy in Beijing fast reactor industry Technology Innovation Alliance, aims to "based on independent innovation, to create a fast reactor industry chain and promote the commercialization of fast reactor technology, to build China's sustainable development of nuclear energy."

Friday, July 22, 2011

Experts say China needs to maintain in the East China Sea and South China Sea maritime rights and interests

In the East China Sea and South China Sea maritime rights issues, China needs to maintain the same rights as the maintenance of terrestrial maritime rights and interests of these two places

People's understanding of national interests is deepening.
   National interests can be summarized from different angles and defined.  But in any case the definition of national interests, national interests of the most fundamental feature of the country's survival and development have a significant impact. Among them, the territory and resources of the country's survival and development of a fundamental influence, can be called the most fundamental of the fundamental national interests or national interests.  Recently, emerging East China Sea and South China Sea could trigger regional turmoil of the instability. These factors greatly threatening China's maritime rights and interests. In fact, these factors are threatening China's fundamental national interests.East China Sea and South China Sea to China's survival and development has important implications. Since the last century, people have formed a consensus: the 21st century ocean century.  Visible, ocean survival and development of a country will have very important significance. China is a land-locked coastal country, with nearly twenty thousand kilometers of coastline. East China Sea and South China Sea, China is bound to develop in the 21st century, the starting point and relying on the use of the oceans. If the East China Sea and South China Sea maritime rights and interests, the Chinese development and utilization of marine impossible. Maintenance of the East China Sea and South China Sea maritime rights and interests of China's survival and development of strategic significance.
Well-managed and the East China Sea and South China Sea, the basic premise is to break containment. During the Cold War, the United States in the Western Pacific region to build two containment island chain, including the recent one from the Eurasian continent is along the Japan and the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan and the Philippines islands formed the island chain.East China Sea and South China Sea and in this island chain between the Eurasian plate.Currently, the U.S. is still strong to build this island chain, it can play a role in containing China. Such as specific performance, strong business bases in Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, the military presence in the southwest extension of the program in the southwest side of the Yonaguni stationed troops to keep arms sales to Taiwan, seeking to re-set up military bases in the Philippines.Shows that, if China can not operate well the East China Sea and South China Sea, breaking the United States and its allies to contain China's coastal areas there can be no realization of the implementation.

East China Sea and South China Sea is China's eyes open to see the world, the premise of a world power. In 1840, the face of imperialist aggression, Lin sent to the Chinese eyes to see the world cry. After numerous people with lofty ideals more than a century of exploration, China has finally embarked on the road of reform and opening up. In an open process, how to open eyes to see the world, this is an open path problem, it is a strategic issue. East China Sea and South China Sea is China to the world from the land into the sea when the first step.East China Sea and South China Sea as Lin "eyes to see the world" when the two eyes, as only well-managed and both China Sea, only to further the development of passes to the ocean depths.
 Maritime rights and interests with land rights are equally important. Maritime rights and interests of the 1990s China has enacted two laws and the introduction of a maritime concept.  In fact, it is the state's interest in the ocean.National recognition from the point of view, land rights and interests of Chinese people is very important, but not the maritime rights and interests to look at on the proper position.As human development in the deepening of the ocean, marine of a country and the nation the importance of survival and development of increasingly prominent. In modern times, the world has witnessed almost all the nine major power ocean power. Maritime rights and interests of these countries is very important.In particular, the importance the United States maritime interests, no country can be compared to the degree.Horse power "sea power" theory with the U.S. emphasis on the theoretical basis of marine interests, the powerful sea power to seize and maintain the United States has to protect its maritime rights and interests. The 1980s, the United States in order to safeguard its maritime hegemony, clearly the world's 16 key control objectives Strait.
With 80 years of the last century, the Chinese navy to go abroad, to the world, China's marine awareness was rising. First, land rights and maritime rights and interests, are an important part of the national interest. Maritime rights and interests of the territorial sea extends to the formation of rights. China in the East and South China Sea, the rights advocate, regardless of history or the reality of the international law of the sea view, are legitimate, and it is inviolable. For China and South China Sea in the interests of the East China Sea, the land must be to guard the territory of the spirit of that patch of land must not be lost to guard.  Second, the same maritime rights and interests in land, is not renewable.  People tend to believe that land rights are non-renewable, to give them enough attention.  In fact, the same maritime rights and interests with the interests of the land is not renewable. Sovereignty over the waters and islands are the size range of a natural reality can not be changed.  For the East China Sea and South China Sea maritime rights and interests, of course, China holds a clear position, maritime rights and interests must not be lost.  Third, maritime rights and interests no longer stand to give up or lost.  Throughout the two Sea East China Sea and South China Sea, other countries, his best as possible and maritime rights and interests will be able to do has been occupied occupied.  In the East China Sea and South China Sea maritime rights issues, China needs to maintain the same rights as the maintenance of terrestrial maritime rights and interests of these two places.

 The maintenance of maritime rights and interests should not be underestimated.   In recent years, some countries are using in the maintenance of maritime rights and interests in China to show restraint this opportunity to create their occupation of China's marine rights and interests of "legalization" to expand their occupation of China's maritime rights and interests.  China's marine rights and interests are accelerated erosion.  This is a must to face reality.  The Chinese side should take the appropriate response to a strong strength in some countries.  This is mainly because: First, China's maritime rights and interests can not stand to be eroded and then repeat the lesson; the second is to maintain military and maritime rights and interests need protecting; Third, the country is through the use of force to maintain its occupation of China's marine rights and interests. Faced with such harsh reality, China has a strong need to adopt the appropriate means to fight back in some countries, the erosion of China's maritime rights and interests.

Chinese naval vessels Nansha exercises: Philippine military officials came to an end smile

Reaction of some people in the Philippines, fierce, Philippine National Security Adviser, said the Cabinet held an emergency security meeting to discuss countermeasures. Not long ago, the Chinese navy also specifically announced plans Jian Shi refueling at sea, the intention is self-evident.
 Philippines in the Spratly Islands behind military action continued support, "received U.S. military training of the young guard officers," the navy deputy commander Torun Naughtie on in the media proclaimed that, "the Navy to support our country (Philippines) and other claims on the Spratly Islands have sovereign countries in peaceful resolution of territorial disputes, but we also do the Navy and Marine Corps war preparations to the last one, "" Made in China carrier is not terrible, we are willing to fight to the last for the Nansha a single soldier. "

 But in the Philippines the country, there are some members and officials do not agree with the hyperbole of the China threat.  Philippine House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee Xikuenke the national security adviser Gonzales as "paranoia" and "crazy," suggesting that Gonzales should "go to rest relax."   Philippine House Speaker noguera to Sri Lanka, said: "Our Foreign Ministry must respond accordingly, we do not war with China, their military power far beyond us."
 According to the Philippines, local media reports, a good laugh is the deputy commander of the Philippine Navy to attend a banquet in Torun Naughtie, the heard of the South China Sea Fleet in the waters near the Nansha large-scale exercises, an incredible expression, and also just around the guests of his jokes, smile came to an end, so outright, the scene seems a little awkward.
 But the "long-standing problem the South China Sea, China has committed to a peaceful settlement of disputes and create a peaceful and stable surrounding environment, the overall situation in the South China Sea is stable." President of the South China Sea Institute of Wushi keep the "World Expo," said.  South China Sea, rich resources and an important strategic channel position, making the South China Sea, a strategic game of all hot spots.  South China Sea disputes involving China and the countries surrounding the South China Sea (Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, etc.), but in recent years, while the region outside the United States, Japan, India and other countries are also actively involved in the formation of multi-stability of checks and balances.  South China Sea around the country in dealing with the issue of the South China Sea policy is also very obvious that the problem will be completely Nansha complex, making it difficult period of time Chinese legislator to solve the South China Sea.
  "Shelving disputes and seeking common development" of China's territorial disputes with neighboring countries to address the basic principles. However, the South China Sea situation, we have been insisting, "putting aside disputes" and "joint development" is not doing enough. And the Philippines and other legal forms directly to the crash not the same as China, more countries do not play out to play dark, buried Nansha resource extraction, really, and you come to a "shelving disputes and seeking common development."  In this regard, we have only to intensify the development of the South China Sea resources to get more recognition.  Philippine media recently exclaimed quietly built between the Chinese navy bases Nansha layout, further confirms the Chinese navy's vision does not come out to dark, this is the strategic thing.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

the Chinese Air Force deployed eight F -10 stationed in Yongxing Island!

There is no reason to "China's Air Force deployed 30 Su-30MKK fighters stationed Yongxing Island" as a proposition
As we all know, the Soviet Union 30mkk is a heavy duty twin fighter.Tonnage of larger and larger, more fuel consumption, which means that the load-bearing capacity of the runway, demanding, on the apron and hangar size requirements are higher, while oil and other materials for fuel and a greater demand. Moreover, as the Russian-designed Su 30mkk land-based aircraft, high temperature and high humidity in the South China Sea salt environment is not suitable for use, will produce more failures.
Therefore, there is no reason to suppose, "the Chinese Air Force deployed 30 fighter jets stationed in Su-30MKK Yongxing Island." More should be to look at the J-10 This smaller size, higher performance air and can be hot and humid South to take a special high-salt environment, anti-corrosion measures on the domestic advanced fighter.

Overlooking the Yongxing Island

Yongxing Island Aerial runway
In fact, the Air Force in China's internal confrontation, J-10 victory over the Soviet Union has been the basic 30MKK and Su 27, J11 series, J-10 can drive the Vietnamese-Soviet series achieved significant performance advantage.
In addition, the domestic J-10 fighter aircraft avionics equipment is more advanced, independent and strong air combat, command and navigation equipment on the ground rely on less than the Su-30MKK fighters that the Soviet Union's system is more suitable for various facilities such Yongxing Island incomplete airports and airspace.Bases in mainland China, J-10 has also been deployed in various hot and humid climate in the South China region, some of which have been deployed from the sea close to the airport, J-10 has undergone a high-salt, high temperature and humidity test.

About China's latest weapons and equipment

F-10 fighter development of the Taiwan Air Force F16 A / B fighter aircraft fleet composition unprecedented deterrent.F-10A in the development process of the technical standards are based on catch up with Taiwan F16A / B fighter. In weaponry, the two aircraft equipped with basically the same generation air-combat weapons, F-10A PL12 already switched active radar-induced air missiles. In the air, the F-10A and F16A / B fighter aircraft in roughly the same level of weapons technology in the case, mobility will play a decisive role to play.

China's latest ballistic missile nuclear submarine No. 094

New Chinese frigate 054A 054A stealth adoption of international fashion design, but also with advanced 32-cell vertical launch missile system, which makes the Chinese Navy has been a headache for fleet air defense is very good solution of the problem

170 China Type 052C destroyer

Type 052C destroyer launched in mid-2003, a new generation of air defense for the Chinese navy missile destroyer, is currently build two, respectively, 170 and 171, the main mission is to fight to fight, fleet air defense, anti-submarine warfare as well as with other ships to anti-ship attack, the chief architect of the mirror for the Pan Fu.

In appearance, the hull is clear from the previous 167 destroyer evolved, but the design is more compact, flat nothing.China's past and always like to refer to the design of ships compared to the Soviet Union, 170 destroyer design can be described in a unique style, with a very strong flavor of the German MEKO; hull slender and plump, the first ship flying shear for the large-angle First, without any external floating, no chine above the waterline line superstructure using an integrated design, the tail has a small wedge tail; and design of ships compared to 80 years, 170 although the trials and stability nature is lacking, but this novel design approach can greatly improve the speed of 170, anti-wave nature, and to some extent also reduced the ships sailing in the production of high-speed wave resistance; its flexible, Fast is good, it can be said or to adapt to the needs of future operations.

 Power system: 170 destroyer ships the chimney can be seen around the unique large-scale gas turbine air filter window, the host is produced in Ukraine in 1995, the DA/DN80, which is in addition to WR-21 outside the United States is currently the most advanced of its kind hosts, but life and repair time to be seen. DA/DN80 host length 4.6 m, weight 16 tons, speed of 3000-3600 rev / min, maximum power up to 26680.5 kilowatts, the thermal efficiency of 36.5%, the performance is quite advanced.But the auxiliary is still dominated China MTU20V956TB90.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chinese satellite debris threat to the satellite should be dialogue

         Global network correspondent reports that in recent years, China has made in the field of space development proud achievements, but some European and American countries have repeatedly said that this "concern." Recently, the U.S. Department of Defense officials said a space policy, the United States hopes to start on the outer development of regular dialogue with China on space, a "responsible use" to avoid the crisis in Sino-US space race as "flash point." The officials also complained that "China-made space junk" affect the security of the satellite countries, the United States had issued over 150 Chinese satellite could collide with these spam warning.

July 19, Reuters reported that China invested a lot of money in space, it is difficult to distinguish between the Chinese civil and military aerospace sector, because "they are essentially one." At present, China is developing a more remote space transportation capabilities, including jammers and lasers. This makes the United States eager to open a channel of dialogue with China.

"We have plans to space establishment of regular dialogue with China." U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense space policy • Gregory Schulte (Gregory Schulte) said, "There is a meeting date set, step, ready to discuss things including overall strategy, the responsible use of space, create a rule for this road to reduce accidents, misuse or misunderstanding of the risk assessment. "

China lost the South China Sea Inside: On the stand will be useless

The same time, India made two carriers announced and began laying the keel.The Indian Ocean to the Indian Ocean as a country in the 21st century show of military ambition is unbelievable.Russia announced that it would create four nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to prepare the background, the world is much clearer: First, Russia is in the United States and Western hovering on the edge of a new Cold War; Second, Russia has publicly declared sovereignty over the Arctic.

Count near the country's Antarctic territorial claims by the political changes in the pattern of global warming and led to a new round of world geographical discoveries, is imminent. However, the This is a Chinese people can not understand reality. 19th century carved up the world, 20th century re-divide the world powers, China is the victim collapsed in the 21st century, new powers are aimed at the eyes of most of the Earth the only unclaimed land - north and south pole, why China is still be coveted goal? The once coveted by a number of nation-building history in quite a few small country less than one hundred years.

19th century, the West divide China; the 20th century, although China has stood up, but still the face of Western pressure. 21st century, China has achieved unprecedented development, but friendly and not a heavy Western pressure remains.China watching the raging sea and the unpredictable ups and downs of the world situation, as in watching their perilous future.Chinese people instinctively from the aircraft carrier topic of discussion again.In March 2003, China held in Beijing two sessions, all-generals of the Navy on behalf of almost unanimously, to talk about are the aircraft carrier. 3月20日,March 20, meeting with Chinese Defense Minister Liang Japanese Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada moment clearly states: "The powers not only aircraft carrier in China, China can never be an aircraft carrier." His words should be considered over the years China has an aircraft carrier put a stop to the debate: China should have an aircraft carrier. ” "

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

the chinese meeting :Pakistani military officials said between the two armies should strengthen all-round cooperation

China news agency, Beijing, July 19 (Reporter Tao Shelan) - People's Liberation Army Air Force Gen. Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of staff at the Bayi Building 19, met with visiting Secretary General Staff of Pakistan Army Lieutenant Wahid and his party.

Ma Xiaotian said, for many years, Pakistan's armed forces to maintain an all-weather friendship, which serve the fundamental interests in safeguarding regional peace and played an active role. China is ready to groups exchange visits, personnel training, equipment and technology, joint training and other areas with Pakistan to carry out all-round friendly cooperation. China will as always support Pakistan to maintain domestic stability and development of national economy and unremitting efforts.

Wahid said that Pakistan and China friendly and cooperative relations between the armed forces for maintaining peace and stability in the region an important force. In recent years, military exchanges in various fields, deepening pragmatic development, the Palestinian side is satisfied with the hope to strengthen comprehensive cooperation with China.

 Ministry of National Defense Foreign Affairs Office of China Jia Xiaoning, deputy director, Vice-Minister Sun Delong General Staff of Army aviation and the military attaches of Pakistan attended the meeting.

China has independently developed the first successful unmanned helicopter fly U8 plateau

Recently, an autonomous helicopter in the aviation industry developed U8 altitude unmanned helicopter successfully completed the first flight test, which marks the unmanned helicopter overflight of the progress achieved plateau performance, effectively increasing the overall operating altitude unmanned helicopter support capabilities.

 The U8 unmanned helicopter test flight altitude for 15 days, effective flying 29 sorties, flight time, total length of 577 minutes, at an altitude of 1060 meters in height Tianshui City, Gansu, 1400 m in Wushan County, Tianshui, 2080 m and 3060 Ping An of Xining meters in Qinghai Province to the airport four separate flight tests.  Flight test in accordance with different elevations, weight and other states to complete the engine start, ground tests, a ground effect hovering, ground effect hover and other test subjects, U8 altitude helicopter flight a success.

To enhance the ability of unmanned helicopter developed in 2011, established helicopter UAV Division, from the human, material and financial resources to increase the protection of all aspects of efforts to develop unmanned helicopter into the fast lane.  U8 unmanned helicopter maximum takeoff weight 230 kg, payload 40 kg, measuring distance of 100 km, 4 hours battery life, according to different tasks require different equipment load.  In view of the vast and complex terrain, more than a mountain valley in central and western highland areas of special circumstances, the U8 unmanned helicopter test flight altitude will make it a successful rescue at high altitude reconnaissance of China's effective force.

Monday, July 18, 2011

china first use of high-speed rail transportation lightly armed formed units

July 16, a white G224 second high-speed train station steady and rapid exit from Qingdao, Jinan into Beijing-Shanghai high-wire station, heading for Shanghai Hongqiao Station . Sitting in the car is not an ordinary passenger, but hundreds of men, they became the first military use of high-speed railway transportation of lightly armed formed units.

Jinan Iron Army on behalf of the resident at the tight organization, the transport in two batches, transfer one thousand, the whole 1308 km.

I saw at the scene, the command was issued with boarding, boarding area gathered in the pre-soldiers by the grouping, taken from the car two boarding, move closer to the middle way, less than 3 minutes to finish boarding. 6:55, high-speed train left the station, and flying in the earth, men are excited to watch the scenery outside the window. Knew it, the train at 13:34 arriving on time Shanghai Hongqiao station, than the average motor car reduced about 4 hours.

Generation of office in Jinan Iron Army political commissar Yang introduced with the sea, the use of high-speed rail transport troops, the situation is followed by railway development, the full utilization of its capacity, but also improve the efficiency of the new Military Traffic exploration breakthroughs. Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway, they are numerous in-depth on-site visits, issued for the troops take the high-speed rail service manual, and organized forces of the rehearsal.  The use of high-speed rail transportation unit's success, marking a new rapid mobility capability to improve our military.

Chinese J-10 base for the first time open to the public was invited to visit ROK Defense

Nanfang Daily reported, according to Yonhap News, South Korean Defense Minister Kim visited 16 town wide of the Chinese Air Force pilot training base in Cangzhou flight (see right), and listened to the Chinese "J-10" fighter's performance and production instructions.  Reports that the invitation to China to visit the town wide gold that China intends to strengthen South Korea's defense and military cooperation between the exchanges.

 "J-10" fighter aircraft developed by China itself, the combat radius of 1250 kilometers, can fly continuously for four hours.  According to the town, accompanied by Kim W access Cangzhou flight pilot training base, responsible person, the J-10 increase in height of 235 meters per second, fast rising vertically, take off and landing distance of only 350-650 meters.

 According to South Korean Defense Ministry official said Kim visited a town wide flight pilot training base in Cangzhou, listen to the relevant person in charge of the army base status and performance of the fighter base in the introduction, then visit the F-10 taking off and landing, also visited the aircraft boarding internal.  In addition, Kim W outskirts of town and his party also visited Beijing's 3rd Army Guard divisions, visit the training, and officer in the army canteen, had lunch with China.  In the following interview, gold town wide respect, the J-10 is equivalent to the U.S. F-16 fighters, adding that the J-10 excellent takeoff and landing capability gives the left a deep impression.