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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mullen China line: a line with the four military services

Located in Jining, Shandong's Jinan Military Region, a division of Air Force station, Mullen's visit to achieve his wish of a Su-27 --- watch, it was his own initiative before the visit to a request

The highest level U.S. military officers, former head of U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen seventeenth Admiral 9 to 13 July visit to China generally placid.

In addition to the PLA Chief of General Staff Chen Bingde attended a smell of gunpowder will be slightly stronger than the press briefing, senior U.S. military commanders maintained a diplomatic occasion calls for peace and a variety of manners.See, the two sides are frequent exchanges between the two armed forces value the recent warming caused by the atmosphere.

Can either look around or check the detailed interpretation of the Western media, you can see, Mullen mouth of the two "Pacific power" regardless of the details or interests in the military on their respective positions are not back, though in a different way In its statement.

Reuters said the joint press conference of "China sharply criticized the United States."

Mullen's visit before they have the media to the recent US-Japan Australia and the South China Sea exercises and U.S. - Philippine joint military exercises, the US-Vietnam joint exercises put a hook. Although it is often several months ahead of scheduled visits with the visiting foreign affairs before and after exercise does not necessarily have a direct relationship, but does the South China Sea during the visit inevitably become both Mullen and the outside world are the focus of attention.

Reuters in is known as "China sharply criticized the United States," the joint press conference, has always been outspoken ChenBingDe length of the series of exercises around the South China Sea did not do anything to avoid.

"The United States repeatedly expressed intention to intervene in the South China Sea dispute, but the U.S. both in form and in substance are sent contrary signals in the South China Sea with the Philippines and Vietnam to engage in military exercises, although in the past also been engaged, but in this sensitive period engage in military exercises is very inappropriate. "

"U.S. military presence is a fact question is, how much force the U.S. military presence? Is doing? Frequent exercise for whom?"

"For the United States in the region of 'freedom of navigation', do not worry, not to worry."

Huafeng meaning, covering frequent military exercises, the United States continue to put forward the "freedom of navigation" of concern, highlighted during Mullen's visit to China in the Asia Pacific region to "maintain a presence" and other issues.

In this regard, Mullen responded: "We will persistently present, there are persistent responsibility and we strongly support the peace plan to resolve their differences." Participate in a live interview, according to the media, said Mullen in the press conference scene appear to be relatively low-key, but His statement reflected the situation in the United States would intervene in the attitude of the South China Sea is very clear.

More media is relatively neglected Mullen arrived in Beijing after the first activities to participate in Renmin University of China --- in a small range of a speech.global common)。 Which presents a common international politics in recent years, the term: "global commons is" (global common). This concept can mean climate change, atmospheric, and other companies are using the high seas areas, but "miscalculation" that "in the context of the conversation Mullen, obviously referring to the South China Sea."

Navy military academic researcher Li Jie believes that the U.S. does not intervene in the South China Sea is "impossible", but will also continue to have exercises, military cooperation and other military activities.In his view, Chen Bingde General's speech to the United States that "the current situation and then do the expansion, such as not to increase troops and military bases."

In any case, the future of Sino-US exchange at sea will continue, and will heat up, this is Mullen During the visit the two sides jointly release a positive signal.As Chen Bingde Mullen talks with "five-point consensus" part of China and the U.S. Navy in the fourth quarter of this year will be held in the Gulf of Aden naval fleet, communication exercises and joint anti-piracy exercise. The two sides also agreed to hold the first half of 2012, the Sino-US military maritime security working group meetings and annual meetings.

Mullen that the Chinese Air Force pilot, "open, young, professional"

4 days China tour, Mullen visited the Army, Navy, Air Force and Second Artillery four military services, and will not sit in the living room, headquarters to talk about, but the actual contact with the front-line combat troops.

May this year, Chen Bingde During the visit, visited the world's largest naval base in Norfolk, the U.S. military base in the U.S. Open has never opened a number of projects such as F/A-18 carrier-based aircraft, E2 early warning aircraft and so on.Nellis Air Force Base in the U.S. but also open to visitors of the F-22 stealth fighter, F-15 fighter aircraft, A10 attack aircraft and "Predator" unmanned aerial vehicles.

Mullen's visit to China during the most interesting is the 10th visit to the PLA Second Artillery --- China is responsible for managing medium-range ballistic missiles, intercontinental ballistic missiles and the department.And according to sources, the direct contact of the Second Artillery Mullen combat units, this is the beginning of visiting U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates did not enjoy the "treatment."

12, just completed a series of political agenda, Mullen and immediately go to Shandong and Zhejiang, visited the Jinan Military Region, an Air Force station, observe the Nanjing Military Region, a mechanized infantry division headquarters of anti-terrorism exercise.

Located in Jining, Shandong's Jinan Military Region, a division of Air Force station, Mullen's visit to achieve his wish of a Su-27 --- watch, it was his own initiative before the visit to a request.

He boarded a ladder along the side of the blue-gray Su-27 aircraft, sitting in the cockpit.While it has been in the U.S. Navy, but after all he was commander of the "George Washington" aircraft carrier battle group and NATO European Theater, for the U.S. military is no stranger to the aircraft type.But such a close observation of Russian aircraft, particularly in-depth observation of various cockpit cabin equipment, the opportunity for him probably is not too much.

Ma Lunte intention to board the side of the ladder of the Chinese Air Force pilot, asked the king of fashion and the U.S. Su-27 fighter cockpit equipment, cabin equipment differences.The U.S. military often see film's Hubei guy can speak fluent English, questions on the Mullen fluent, so that Mullen left the Air Force pilot before the conclusion that China "open, young, professional" conclusion.

Off the plane, the airport over the rumbling roar sounded, that is resident Air Force Su-27 pilots during flight training.In order to "enemy" missile set of false targets, when they fly each aircraft dropped four shiny decoy. Fighters in front of the guests just flashed by, leaving only the decoy in the air, slowly falling, off.

Watching flight training, Mullen seems some get enough, he had just boarded the aircraft back to his side, looked around the circle counterclockwise along the aircraft, the Su-27 seems to take on every detail of printed mind.

"Problem of the lack of transparency between the two armies began to be resolved."

Leave in a hurry to Zhejiang, Jinan, after Mullen's team through a line of paved roads with gravel, in a small clearing and stopped.Sub a few steps forward Waner, only to find there deep in camouflaged army.

Mullen arrived the Nanjing Military Region is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a division of mechanized infantry regiment of the camp. Here, Mullen watched the Chinese army camp attack on the terrorist action exercises.

Modern command post, the officers and soldiers in mechanized infantry regiment of more than 40 degrees high temperature all wearing camouflage, clothing and thorough. Colonel, Deputy Commander Cheng Youmin presentation on the exercise situation: assume that the implementation of the afternoon fighting has entered the third stage of cleaning up to surround and annihilate the terrorist camps. Mullen projector to watch the exercise by the real-time broadcast, and visited the division's mobile command and control system synthesis.

According to Mullen, accompanied by Defense Department officials, the reason why the arrangements to observe the exercise is based during his U.S. visit in May this year ChenBingDe consensus with Mullen. During the visit, the U.S. arranged ChenBingDe visit the U.S. third Infantry Division, and to observe a mechanized infantry brigade of the division at the field command post exercises and anti-terrorism military exercise.China This arrangement shows the two sides on the issue of consensus on counter-terrorism, between the armed forces also reflects the principle of reciprocal arrangements.

After the visit, Mullen said: "The U.S. military leadership in these visits and exchanges between the marked lack of transparency of the problems between the two armies began to be resolved, from this perspective, this is a very positive step These are only the beginning, the recent US-Chinese military relations have seen new development, the future is still a long way to go because of leaders of both sides are sincere, so I am confident in the future development of relations between the two armies . "

Mullen's visit to China along with a U.S. staff member said: "The itinerary is very tight, but learn a lot, unfortunately, is too short, I really hope I can come back to China as tourists."

13 On the morning before leaving, Mullen also visit the nearby submarine force in Hangzhou.

A par four military services, should be allowed to Mullen did not regret the end of the trip to China. Although the visit can not solve all problems, but with such frankness discuss issues, exchange information, these two backgrounds, the strategic setting, very different development path of mutual understanding of each other's armed forces, is always a very good thing .

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