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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Throughout China over the South China Sea will be the future aircraft carriers

Recently, national media on China's first aircraft carrier deployment locations of the race set off a new round of speculation. The parties point to overtly or covertly, are uniform and ran the South China Sea. Japan, "Asahi Shimbun," said, "China's Sanya will build naval base, the base will be used to deploy nuclear-powered submarines and aircraft carriers." Canada, "Chinese Defense Review" magazine reported that China's South Sea Fleet base in the construction of two 450 to 500-meter-long pier, and three 200-meter-long pier. And all completed, these terminals can be docked 12 different types of surface vessels or two aircraft carriers; Therefore, the Chinese carrier is the first column should be filled with the South China Sea Fleet. French "contend" is more straightforward to guess the magazine: "The future will be the Chinese navy's South Sea sphere of influence over the South China Sea over China's aircraft carriers."

For the speculation, the Navy that the military academic researcher Li Jie, "Kuznetsov" was not deployed in the South China Sea, even if deployed in the South China Sea, it is only the situation in the South China Sea play a stabilizing role.

Despite the deployment location is inconclusive, but the Chinese aircraft carrier is about to appear, some countries have significantly stimulated the nerves. June 28, the United States and the Philippines, the annual joint naval exercise kicked off, place it near the South China Sea near the island of Palawan, Philippines. Two weeks ago, when 11 Chinese naval vessels through the Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan, and between the high seas, in international waters to the western Pacific for training, the deployment in Yokosuka, Japan, the United States, "George Washington" aircraft crashed while moving to Western Pacific perform security duty. Analysts believe that the Chinese went to the Western Pacific Naval exercises with Chinese carrier for the ocean voyage, "Pathfinder" meaning. The "Washington" is likely to monitor all the way Chinese fleet activities to inquire into the movements of the Chinese aircraft carrier.

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